Friday, September 25, 2009

Oh how I like Summer...

Well a few days ago, I finally went to see "500 Days of Summer." I was amazed at how interesting the movie was for a romantic comedy. It had my attention just like the first time I saw "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." The good thing about this movie, is how the casting director chose small role actors in Hollywood to be the stars of the movie. Many are wondering what the movie is about.

In the trailers it states "This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Tom Hanson, grew up believing that he'd never be truly happy until the day he met the one. The girl, Summer Finn, did not share this belief. You should know upfront, THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY." I don't wanna say much because I have the tendency to just go ahead and spoil the movie to all the people who has not see it.

Check out the trailer:

Watching the movie, brought me back some memories of girl(s) who made me go through the same feelings as the character in the movie. When I saw "Eternal Sunshine..." I really wished that a procedure to delete memory existed to wipe out the memory & feelings I had toward an individual. While watching "500 Days..." I really felt that I have not been the only one who had experience the same pains as Tom Hanson.

I believe all guys go through this and it's ok, because I believe that it happens when you approach a girl with you guard down. I has happen to me and my close friends. But I believe that it's an experience in which we can learn to grow up and know how approach things the next time around. Later I'm going to talk about a theory that I have been sharing with people (I don't like to say I came up with it) and so far it has not fail me.

-Unlucky Stuntman

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's been a while...

This is my first post in a while... 3 weeks to be exact. Well today was a memorial day for what happen 8 years ago (and no, not the release of Jay-Z album "The Blueprint"), The New York Attack on the Twin Towers. It is unfortunate that such a tragedy has change the "American" lifestyle. I don't have much to say but that the people that lost their lives, you will be remembered.